- 2013: Base map caching
- 2014: Web API
- 2015: Web Application Options
- 2016: Welcome to the wonderful world of GitHub
- 2017: Forklift
- 2017: Break out of your Silo
- 2017: UGRC's Discover Server: Not Just Google Imagery
- 2017: Aggregating Utah's Statewide Roads
- 2020: Putting Pandas to Work: Solving GIS Problems in Python
- 2021: Next-Generation 911 (NG911) in Utah: Current Status and GIS Update
- 2021: Collaboration is Key to the Future of Geospatial
- 2021: Introduction to Python Programming (zip file)
- 2022: Ditch the Cursors: Editing Feature Classes with Spatially Enabled DataFrames
- 2022: OpenUGRC: Leveraging OpenStreetMap for Statewide Data
- 2022: Improving Your Python Programming Experience
- 2023: Preaching Pandas Power for Python Programming Progress (Jupyter Notebook, Video)
- 2023: Generating Useful Data with Computer Vision Tools: Two Use Cases
- 2023: Introducing palletjack: A Library for Updating AGOL Layers from pandas DataFrames (Video)
- 2024: Understanding Git for Better Version Control and Collaboration (Video)

Esri User Conference

National States Geographic Information Council
- 2018: NG911 Data Prep
- 2019: Utah and the PLSS
- 2019: Utah's New GIS Data Lifecycle
- 2020: Things That Go Together
- 2020: Thinking Beyond the Map
- 2021: Revamping your Data Wardrobe to Give it More Curb Appeal
- 2021: News from the Utah Potpourri of GIS
- 2021: GIS 101 Series - Geocoding
- 2022: Mining new GIS Users
- 2022: Implementing a Rating System to Enhance Data Quality
- 2023: A Showcase of Utah's Apps, Maps, and Services

Maps on the Hill

- 2020: Utah's SGID - Unlocking Geospatial Data (Bridging the Gap Between Proprietary and Open Source GIS)
- 2020: Open Geospatial
- 2020: Validating Election Data - Address Points and Voting Precincts
- 2021: Addressing and its Impacts on 911 Call Routing and Dispatching
- 2021: UVU Earth Science Seminar: This Thing Called
LoveGIS: An Introduction to UGRC - 2022: USPE Presentation: GIS Data, Resources, and Applications
- 2022: G5 Presentation: GIS & 911 - From Your Phone to the St George Communications Center
- 2023: Introduction to UGRC's Products and Solutions
- 2024: Open Street Map State of the Map - Welcome to Salt Lake City